Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Carter's Got Talent

So picture this: Matt takes Carter into the Nursery to change a VERY stinky diaper. As soon as Matt gets the diaper off Carter seizes the opportunity to "get Daddy". Carter proceeds to shoot poo!! What!!! Matt came running into our room covered in Carter poo and says, "do you want the baby or the mess". I could tell that I probably should take the mess because Matt appeared to be on the verge of a major melt down. I entered the Nursery and can only describe the scene as something you would see on CSI. There was poo everywhere. It was all over the changing pad and table, carpet and had even made it to cover the back of the nursery door!! So after cleaning and scrubbing for a while the mess was cleaned up. We just were completely shocked that something that only weighs 6 pounds could be so destructive...

1 comment:

Meagan said...

Ha ha! I thought pee was bad but this really is much worse.